Friday, January 21, 2011

Love and High School

It was a time of '55 Chevy's, and dances in the old wooden gym. Rock and Roll top 40 on the AM dial. Deep and lasting friendships. First love.
Had I not failed chemistry the year before, I wouldn't have known much of this drama, but fail I did and in need of a science unit to get into college, I took Physical Science my senior year, usually a freshman or sophomore class. Easy A, easy credit. I didn't want to ruin my senior year with a lot of effort.
My old textbook had  been used  by Carrie two years before.She was a good friend. I wouldn't have minded if she were more than that, but she was very popular.
She had penciled notes in the page margins of the old text, a kind of diary of the year she had physical science, the year she fell in love with Ben.
Ben was not a jock or a brain. He was a ladies' man. He loved the girls and for the most part, they loved him. His love notes were the stuff of legend and his romances included flowers and "our song."
At the beginning of the year, the margin notes were pensive questions, whether he would call again or take her to a movie. After a chapter or two she was asking herself if she loved him, then if he loved her.And I was hooked.
Somewhere around chapter 5, the relationship was in full swing. They sat together at lunch. He gave her rides home, even waiting for her while she was at cheerleader practice. They talked almost every night. At the dances in the old gym, they always slow danced to "Stranger on the Shore."All of this was duly recorded.
She wore his jacket during the school day. One day she carried a single rose all day. He gave her his ring, packed with paraffin to make it fit.
Spring at high school was a tumultuous time when the romances of fall and winter seemed to fall apart. It was a time when guys like me could sometimes get a date with prom queens and cheerleaders. I loved spring.
Carrie's notes became fearful. Ben hadn't called. He  was talking to other girls. He asked for his ring. The final dreaded straw; he told her they could just be friends. Her heart was broken.
I was so taken with the story that I was actually quiet and thoughtful for an entire day. My friends were almost worried.
I had asked Carrie to the next school dance, and, of course, Ben was there with his new love. Carrie was very quiet the entire night. Eventually the band played "Stranger on the Shore," and Ben walked to our table. I had recently seen "Casa Blanca,", so I told Carrie to go ahead and dance, while I grabbed a smoke. The gym grew quiet and other couples drifted to the side to watch Carrie and Ben dance.
I saw Carrie a couple of years ago. She's still pretty and has four grown children.I doubt that she has time to think of the old days, those days of "55 Chevy's. Dances in an old wooden gym. Top 40 Rock and Roll on the AM dial. Deep and  lasting friendships. First love.
I'm glad even to have played a bit part.

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