Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It Might Have Been

Several years ago, BC, (before children) Gale and I were traveling in the UK. We were touring the beautiful city of York and decided that since the streets were so crowded, for some reason unknown to us, that we would tour the ancient cathedral. We wandered that incredible edifice for quite a while, then noticed that we were the only people there. Very strange! We continued to look around for a while, then exited by the massive front door.
Thousands were lined up on each side of the street leading to the cathedral, waiting, as we later found out, for the Queen Mother. Apparently we had bypassed security and had no business in Yorkminster after it had been cleared by MI5 or whatever. I wonder how long we would have stayed in a British jail had we been caught.
At this point I had one of my brilliant ideas. I suggested to Gale that we walk the middle of the street, bowing and waving to all and sundry. Who the hell in York would know who we were anyway? Gale, being a bit more cautious about police and security threatened all sorts of retaliation if I took a step towards the cobbles. I bowed to discretion and fear of Gale, and stayed where I was.

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