Sunday, September 4, 2011

Endless Road

Cody, WY, 9/4/2011

Our first night in Cody, we stayed in a small 1960's era downtown hotel much favored by bikers, usually of the  Gold Wing/Harley set.
At breakfast we had a conversation with two couples, my age or a bit older, who had ridden their bikes from Maine. They had gone through part of Canada and the only complaint was the hot weather in North Dakota. When asked if they pulled a trailer, one of the ladies told me that they only had saddle bags, and once you had some warm weather gear and a rain suit, the rest was just gravy.
Old age rapidly approaches and by some measurements, it has arrived, but some choose, and are lucky enough to be able to choose to be "willin' to be movin'." Those folks continue to have new stories to tell.

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